Benefits Of Detox Water- Different Detox Water You Can Try At Home

by Expertish

Detox Water has been quite a famous trend of the health world and controversial too. This is because a lot of commercial detox/cleansing water are full of added sugar or sugar substitutes. Some of us believe or have been made to believe after watching certain viral videos that detox water can completely get rid of all the toxins in your body. But this is completely false, as no detox water has no such magical properties. To know how Detox Water really works and how you can make at home with different ingredients then keep on reading our blog below.

Why should you have detox water?

The health benefits related to detox water are as follow :-

● can help in weight loss when incorporated with a healthy diet
●  helps of detoxify free radicals from body
●  better digestive health
● boosts immune function
● improves mood
● increases energy levels
Health benefits vary depending on the ingredients you use and the strength of the mixture. 

Different types of Detox water

Let’s look into the different types of detox water and how you can prepare them at home.

1. Apple and cinnamon
Fill a glass pitcher with 500 ml of water. Add one thinly sliced apple and 2-3 half inch cinnamon sticks. Stir well. Also add a star anise to give a bit of spice kick to the water. Leave the water out so that the ingredients can diffuse properly.

Now let’s take a look at the benefits. 
Apples contain pectin which binds to the heavy metals in your body. This helps to get rid of heavy metals and toxins. Furthermore Apples also contain antioxidants and flavonoids like Vitamins C and B. Cinnamon has its own benefits. It balances blood sugar,has antioxidants and can improve your energy levels.

2. Cucumber, mint, lemon and chia seeds

Fill a glass pitcher with 500 ml of water. Add one thinly sliced cucumber and lemon. Add 2-4 mint leaves and 1 tablespoon overnight soaked chia seeds. This detox water is quite refreshing and keeps you hydrated. Cucumber, lemon, and mint are all ingredients that are known to aid in weight loss.

3. Coriander, cumin and carrom seeds(ajwain)

Fill a glass pitcher with 500 ml of water. Add a handful of coriander leaves, 1 teaspoon of cumin and carrom seeds. Stir well. These ingredients help to clean the stomach, reduce acid reflux and improve digestion. Those who suffer from frequent problems of acid reflux and indigestion should give this detox water a try. 

4. Apple cider vinegar, raw turmeric, ginger and lemon 

Fill a glass pitcher with 500 ml of water. Add a medium sized sliced raw turmeric and one teaspoon thinly sliced ginger. Followed by a thinly sliced lemon and one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. The ingredients are proven to rid bad bacteria, boost the immune system and act as a cold remedy. Those who suffer from colds regularly must use this detox water. Turmeric also has a lot of skin benefits. Lemon aids in weight loss. 

These are a few combinations that you can use in your detox waters. All the ingredients are proven to aid in weight loss, increase immunity, increase digestive health, provide energy and boost your mood. 

But keep in mind that detox waters are not elixirs. They are a combination of scientifically proven ingredients. So while preparing your own keep in mind the benefits and proper nutritional values of the detox water.

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